The Civil Rights Movement Knowledge Cards

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This deck of 48 Knowledge Cards offers a concise illustrated history of the civil rights movement and a chance to make the acquaintance of many brave, brilliant people. Each card has a photo of an important event or person on one side and a brief biography or account on the other. From legally sanctioned segregation--which wasn't limited to the Deep South--to Freedom Riders rolling into the country of white rage; from Brown v. Board of Education to Rosa Parks; from Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, these cards tell the story of a turbulent era and a proud achievement. Published with The Library of Congress.

On view Sept 7 through March 3, 2019, Black Citizenship in the Age of Jim Crow, tells of the central role played by African Americans in advocating for their rights.   Marking  the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, the exhibition is organized chronologically from the end of the Civil War to the end of World War I.  The voices of citizens responding to the challenge of citizenship are as relevant today as when first spoken, whether that message was delivered in the 19th century or the 21st.

  • Size: 3 1/4 x 4 inches.
    Item Number: 5955