Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court Cases Shawl

$ 38.00 Non-Member Price
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Our exclusive Supreme Court Cases Shawl is a nod to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s love of both justice and fashion. Featured in oversized script are her inspiring words, "fight for the things that you care about," while the borders at either end present many of RBG’s important Supreme Court cases overlaid with the late Justice’s familiar signature. The black and white design calls to mind her iconic white jabot on her formal black judicial robe.

  • 100% ultra-soft cotton
  • 28 x 72 inches
  • Eyelash fringe edges

The New-York Historical Society honors the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG)—the trailblazing Supreme Court justice and cultural icon—with a special exhibition October 1, 2021--January 23, 2022.  Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg takes an expansive and engaging look at the justice’s life and work, highlighting her ceaseless efforts to protect civil rights and foster equal opportunity for all Americans.

Item Number: 21128