Trim your tree with history! Our gleaming collectable ornament was made expressly for the 2016 launch of the New-York Historical Society annual ornament program. You will treasure our holiday hero Alexander Hamilton ornament as he shines forth from the streets of Olde New-York.
A Founding Father and a Revolutionary War leader, Alexander Hamilton (ca. 1755 - 1804) was a political scientist, economist and lawyer. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, founder of the Federalist Party and authored many Federalist Papers. The nation's first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton created the federal banking system and the US Mint. He founded the U.S. Coast Guard, the Bank of New York, the New York Post, and the Society for the Establishment of Useful Manufactures.
Inspired by John Trumbull, (1756-1843), Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) and A View of the Federal Hall of the City of New York, as appeared in the year 1797