Trim your tree with our exclusive Frederick Douglass ornament in honor of the abolitionist, social reformer, writer and statesman. He reminds us, "If there is no struggle there is no progress."
The figures in our History Makers line of ornaments are a holiday who’s who of the American experience. Trim your tree with historical personalities. These ornaments depict key persons in America’s journey from colony to modern nation.
This ornament is handmade by the disadvantaged rural women of Thailand aided through Christian Charities and organized by British company, Saint Nicholas Heritage Designs.
From February 11, 2022, Our Composite Nation: Frederick Douglass' America shines a light on the late 1860s—at a moment of great hope for the promise of equality under the law. The famed orator and once-enslaved abolitionist Frederick Douglass took his “Our Composite Nation” speech on the road to argue for a plural American democracy. The mission of this new nation, he declared, was to provide the world “a composite, perfect illustration of the unity of the human family.” For what was the U.S., he said, but “the most conspicuous example of composite nationality in the world?” This special installation features artifacts, images, and a theatrical design that bring Douglass’ compelling speech to life and explores his vision of freedom, citizenship, and equal rights that remains urgently relevant today, as a hopeful plea for America to live up to its founding ideals.