Lincoln and the Jews: A History

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Lincoln and the Jews provides the first full-scale history of Abraham Lincoln’s relationship with American Jews. Newly republished in a second revised edition and incorporating rarely seen historical manuscripts and documents, the volume explores how Lincoln’s remarkable regard for American Jews affected his path to the presidency and his policy decisions once in the White House. Lincoln counted Jews among his closest friends and, as president, placed Jews in positions of authority and both extended and protected Jewish rights.

The first edition of Lincoln and the Jews won three prizes and was hailed by famed Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer as “the definitive study of a long-neglected aspect of Civil War history and Lincoln biography.” This edition features little known and rarely seen documents as well as a new preface highlighting the theme of antisemitism and insights which can be gleaned from this history for today.

Lincoln and the Jews affirms that Lincoln’s warm relationships with Jews not only broadened Lincoln personally, but, in effect, broadened America. A groundbreaking work, this stunning volume contributes to Civil War-era Jewish American history and uncovers a new facet to Abraham Lincoln’s legacy.

  • 264 pages
  • paperback
  • 5.9 x 1 x 8.8 inches
  • by Jonathan D. Sarna (Author), Benjamin Shapell (Author)
Item Number: 24721